The Arcspec system is a completely new type of system in the field of Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) process control technologies. It uses on-line optical emission spectroscopy which is quite unusual in the metallurgical domain – at least until today.
New developments always raise a lot of questions and to clarify how we can ensure that this new technology can be used at its maximum potential at your Electric Arc Furnace, we decided to open up our delivery practices and phases of the installation.
After the initial discussions with the possible customer about the ArcSpec system, we typically start to conduct a technical survey to ensure the best possible solution for every individual furnace.
This survey can be done completely remotely, and the goal is to determine the initial plan about the locations and the type of measurement heads needed, and the best process steps to optimize. For this, we need pictures from the EAF roof, some process-related information (slag conditions, usage of additional scrap baskets, and other process practices), and information about the data connections.
This is usually quite a light task and can be conducted before any official agreement to acquiring the system.
The ordering process itself starts with the customer choosing the type of service. The options are to choose either:
- Normal equipment sale (including software and updates)
- Service model based on a monthly fee
The ordinary equipment sale also includes the basic optimization control models.
In the service model, we provide the system (hardware + software) with optimization and consumables for a monthly fee. This service model with monthly fees can be very convenient if you want to avoid complicated investment processes and mark up the acquisition as an operational cost.
However, we want to highlight that we are very flexible in our services, and they are always tailored to the needs of each customer.
Customization of the system
After the customer has decided to acquire the system, the next step is the technical kick-off meeting with the customer. The purpose is to go through the technical details of the customer’s electric arc furnace and make the final decision on where the measurement heads should be installed and, for example, plan the cable routes.
In the meeting, the process parameters to be adjusted with the ArcSpec system are also selected, i.e., the control modules are selected. There are several different control modules to choose from. For example, the most common of these are basket charge timing, as well as voltage tap control, which regulates the power of the furnace based on scrap melting. These control modules are based on real-time scrap melting information. The technical kick-off meeting also includes designing the hardware and defining the network connections.
All in all, after this phase we have clarified the following questions:
What are the best process control practices with the ArcSpec system for this furnace?
Where to install the hardware and what type of hardware do we use?
How the network connections to the factory/furnace automation is implemented?
When all the plans are ready, they are approved by both parties. After that begins the production of the hardware.
The installation
In the production phase, the hardware is prepared and delivered to the customer. At the same time, the customer makes the necessary changes to the EAF. The control cabinet can also be installed in advance by the customer.
During the installation phase, Luxmet and the customer install the measurement heads and the cables together. The duration of the installation depends on how much preparatory work the customer has been able to do in advance. Usually, the final installation takes about 2-3 shifts.
After the installation, a short calibration period is required, during which the system is calibrated and optimized based on the obtained data. Once the system is calibrated, a test period can begin.
Testing and commissioning
The test period lasts for a few months and its goal is to verify the benefits of the ArcSpec system. During the tests, tap-to-tap time and energy consumption are monitored, among others. After which ArcSpec can be taken into full production use. Support is provided the ensure smooth operations.
ArcSpec system has been proven to reduce electricity consumption, electrode, and refractory wear, and improve productivity. Below is an example of the savings when ArcSpec decreases electricity consumption by 3 percent.
Annual production | 900 000 t |
Energy consumption per produced steel ton | 390 kWh/t |
Annual electricity consumption | 351 000 000 kWh |
Average CO2 emissions per kWh | 287 g CO2/kWh |
Annual indirect CO2 emissions | 100 737 t |
Energy efficiency improvement with ArcSpec | 3 % |
Annual electricity saving | 10 530 000 kWh |
Energy price | 0,070 €/kWh |
Annual energy savings (€) | 737 100 € |
Annual reduction of indirect CO2 emissions | 3 022 t |
We work closely with our customers to find out their specific needs and we focus on solving their current and future challenges regarding the EAF process. This is our core expertise and we have helped several customers to improve their process’ productivity while also saving the environment.
We hope you found this article useful and that it provided you with more information about our delivery and installation process. If you are interested in learning more about the benefits of the ArcSpec system, check out our FAQ or contact us directly through our website or via Linkedin.